
  • Pack of 1 - PUMIE SCOURING STICK: Pumie power conquers when the strongest chemicals fail. Use the abrasive power of Pumie to scour away rust, grease, mineral deposits, limescale, bakes on food, stains. Cleans tubs and showers, removes unsightly toilet rings

  • SCOURING STICK SIZE: 5.25x1.25x.075. A 100% US Pumice product used by professionals for 75 years. Works through gentle abrasive action. Cleans Ceramic tile, Porcelain, Masonry, Concrete and Iron. Restores Tools, Pools and Barbecues

  • EXCELLENT FOR REMOVING: Unsightly toilet bowl rings, Stubborn stains in tubs, sinks and showers, Rock-hard mineral deposits around faucets and drains, Scale and rust on metal work and piping, Lime and algae deposits in swimming pools

  • DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Pumie must be used with water. First wet the stick, then rub the edge of the stick on the surface you wish to clean using back and forth strokes. The paste buildup helps to clean and polish. Wash cleaned surface of residue. Rinse under running water to clean.


    Pumie Heavy Duty Pumice Scouring Stick 5.25x1.25x0.75 Pack of 1